Embroidery definitely requires skill and patience. The skill I have proven to have a very basic level of and patience I seem to be doing well for how many times I have messed up. I constantly have to pull out the stitches and redo it to make it look slightly more even or presentable. This week I learned a few new stitches one was the chain stitch which uses some of the same techniques as the lazy daisy stitch but adds a backstitch to create the branch. If you wanted to read more about a variety of different types of leaf embroidery (https://pumora.com/leaf-embroidery/) this website provides pictorials and blurbs on how to complete different stitches.
After the chain stitch I decided to try a few more branch stitches so I started the fly stitch which is a very neat type of leaf and creates a long branch which conencted the two sides of the circle. I than decided to add a few more flowers to my piece to finish off the right side of the circle. I decided to use my laisy daisy stitch and add in some laisy daisy tulips. This uses the stitch talked about in my last blog and creates a different type of flower. This stitch was easy to learn and allowed me to create a few flowers with it. Lastly I learned the french knot flowers which resemble lavender or lilac. This stitch was new to me and mostly about placement. The stitch itself is not hard but you need to create a good balance to create the look of the flower. The stitch is supposed to mimic the flower in the image below.
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