How to effectively use math tech in the classroom

Over the past few weeks, Sam and I have been looking at some of the technology options that are available to use in math education.  We are now aware of the many technology tools that are available to teach math to a variety of grades so naturally, we wanted to know if these tools can be integrated into classroom math teaching.  Once we began our research this question shifted slightly to now include the question of when these tools are integrated into the classroom will they be used effectively?


As Jordan Nisbet explains children today have grown up using technology as a part of their everyday lives.  They embrace this tool that confuses older generations with open arms and are eager to use it when given the chance.  This means that using tech in the classroom is not about teaching students how to use it but instead teaching them how to use it effectively.  The people in the classroom who are more likely in need of education on technology use are the teachers who did not grow up in a world full of smartphones and IPads.  Once teachers are properly educated on technology, whether through courses, books or Pro-D day seminars, it can then be effectively integrated into the classroom.


So now you have technology in your classroom, what next?  There are several factors that contribute to effective technology use, one of these being active engagement.  When allowing students to use technology as part of a lesson it is important to make sure that they are thinking critically and actively learning during the activity rather than just passively pressing buttons.  Active engagement is the difference between technology tools being used for learning, not just distraction or free time. Another important factor in using tecnology is content-specific pedagogy. When using technology in the classroom it is important to consider the necessary skills and knowledge students will need in technology as well as math.  An effective lesson that utilizes technology requires awareness of both subjects so that the tech can be integrated in a pedagogically correct way. Finally, when using technology in your classroom it is important to pick math technology that will work well for your students. Choosing activities that focus on skill building and deep thinking rather than how quick students can answer questions will help students learn and not be a source of stress.

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